Coronium ACE

A tiny Lua Server+API aimed at rapid service development, from IoT to full stack applications.

Alpha (2015.11)

Coronium ACE is a highly-opinionated server and framework for rapid development of REST/API like services using Lua. Though breaking with convention, it creates a simplified interface to the Coronium ACE API. Hopefully you'll find this reductionism refreshing to develop with.

The Coronium ACE binary (including server) weighs in under 40 MB. It's Docker powered, so your options are wide open for development, deployment, security, and scalability.

There is also a special Raspberry Pi version for Raspbian Jessie, allowing you to interact with the RPi from virtually any device.

An echo API in 1 step.

ace add ace echo

Visit the newly created endpoint and pass some data.

API Endpoint:

JSON Output: {"ace":"rocks","bigfoot":"lives"}

Okay, so we kind of cheated by using the ACE package manager. But, creating an 'echo' module is pretty easy...

-- 'echo' Lua module

local api = ace.api()

function api.get.test( in_data )
  return in_data

return api

As you can see, working with ACE is very approachable.